Touched by an Angel
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Episode 325: “An Angel By Any Other Name”

Written by: Burt Pearl
Directed by: Gabrielle Beaumont
Produced by:
Martha Williamson
Jon Andersen
R.J. Visciglia, Jr.
Taylor | Chris Burke |
Carolyn Sellers | Diane Ladd |
Laura Sanders | Kathleen Garrett |
Jeannie | Andrea Friedman |
David | Jason Kingsley |
Stevie Sanders | Trevor Morgan |
Tess works for a local nursery, and Monica is a postal carrier in the middle-class neighborhood where IRS auditor Carolyn Sellers lives. An avid gardener, she is eager to have her rose hybrid officially recognized but becomes dismayed when three people with Down syndrome move into a group home next door to her. Tess tries to convince the hardened woman to calm down and accept Taylor, Jeannie, and David for the loving, sensitive people they are, but she refuses. Andrew, the group home supervisor, is nonplussed when his first encounter with Carolyn is a tacit threat to “keep those people in line.”
After Taylor stops Stevie Sanders, a neighborhood boy, from playing in her vintage ’57 Chevy, the car rolls down the driveway, crushes Stevie’s bike, and just misses a young girl due to Tess’ sudden intervention. Furious, Carolyn blames Taylor and calls the police. She also works her neighbors into a frenzy to take action against the group home. The next day Taylor confides in Monica, who says God has a purpose for his predicament. Taylor responds he knows that because he’s an angel; she agrees he’s “the kindest, sweetest angel”she’s ever met. He goes to talk to Carolyn, who in the midst of berating him suffers a stroke. Thanks to Taylor’s quick response, paramedics arrive in time to help her. But upon learning his part in her rescue, Carolyn continues to hold a grudge.
Taylor continues to aid with her rehabilitation despite her constant rejection. Tess, Jeannie, and David have also tended her garden to prepare for the Rose Association’s visit. Realizing that Carolyn had started a petition to shut down the group home, Andrew asks Taylor to tell the truth about the car incident. He responds, “Everything in its time.” The night before the rose committee’s visit, a severe thunderstorm devastates the garden. The next day, Andrew and Taylor take Stevie a new bike to replace the one that got crushed. Monica and Tess reveal themselves to Carolyn and joined by Taylor, who is indeed an angel, encourage the woman to get out of bed. As Stevie’s mom announces the city has agreed to close the group home, the boy confesses his role in the accident. The rose committee arrives, and Taylor produces a beautiful, but lone rose blossom. Although the flower by itself does not qualify for the registry, Carolyn realizes it’s good enough for her.