“Above all else guard your heart, for from it flows the wellsprings of life.”
Monthly Archives: April 2014
Matthew 25:40
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Remembering Peter Hunt

A true Easter basket!

A Special Easter Message

Easter Sunday

One Day Before Easter
Nobody talks about Easter Saturday, the long, gloomy day between Good Friday and Easter Morning that to the disciples must have felt like Hope had just been sealed off forever by a rock. But to me, that in-between Saturday is all about a rock that is really a door just waiting to be flung open once again by Love. Easter Saturday is Trust Day. And this is my Saturday Stone. Thank you for painting this, Barb Pearl. You didn’t know what it would become, but our dear Burt must have inspired you. He was always the best example of trusting in a new day. #Easter #journey #hope #love #TBAA #TouchedByAnAngel #inspiration #trust

Good Friday
Beaten, humiliated, rejected, tortured and taunted for preaching the gospel of love, for teaching acceptance of the stranger, kindness to the weak, hope for the lost, forgiveness to others and humility for our own failures. Condemned for sharing the truth that we are human and imperfect and we simply can’t save ourselves from ourselves without grace. Broken for the message that the death of our souls is worse than the death of our bodies. Executed for promising that three days can rebuild a temple or a life. Crucified for promising that three days will change…everything. #EasterWeekend #GoodFriday #journey #crucifixion #threewoodencrosses #GospelofLove

Maundy Thursday
On Maundy Thursday, we often focus on the Last Supper. But this artist, a little girl and a target of bullies herself – decided to capture the arrest of Jesus and that heartbreaking sense of isolation and rejection where there seems to be no place to run. And yet, Jesus is unbowed. He painfully looks up to the Light “from whence cometh our help” #Easter2019 #EasterWeekend #Lent #journey #MaundyThursday #LastSupper #Jesus #artist #child #bullying #rejection #PassionoftheChrist #strength #courage #hope #love #faith #StationsoftheCross